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Lake Joseph North Association

Safe Boating

Lake Joseph North Association is a founder partner of Safe Quiet Lakes contributing both financial and volunteer support to this grass roots organization.

Safe Quiet Lakes is a made up of a group of people who are passionate about life on the water and committed to educating individuals about respectful boating on the Lakes. Safe Quiet Lakes started as a multi-lake movement of boaters in 2011, growing out of concerns raised at lake associations about inconsiderate behaviour by some boaters that increases the safety risks and decreases the enjoyment of the lakes for others. 

Their mission is to make the lakes safer and quieter to ensure the sustainable enjoyment of a treasured shared resource. We believe the lakes should be: 
  • Safe for everyone who wants to use the water every day; safe for swimmers and all types
of motorized and human-powered craft. 
  • Quiet enough so that everyone can enjoy nature’s sounds, speak at normal voice levels and not be startled or awakened by intrusive noises. 
  • Sustainable environmentally so we can share this resource with future generations. 
  • A shared responsibility of residents, businesses and visitors to keep our lakes safe, quiet and sustainable as part of our culture of respect. 
Education, data collection, and dialogue are the critical components of our strategy to ensure that Safe Quiet Lakes addresses the concerns of the majority of boaters and lake users. Safe Quiet Lakes is a not-for-profit organization funded by lake associations, municipalities and individuals. Our reach is extended by in-kind contributions from communication, research and other professionals.

In Summer of 2016, working with the OPP, Safe Quiet Lakes launched the Quiet Campaign to educate boaters about the requirement to have effective mufflers. As part of the campaign, Safe Quiet Lakes produced a video in which the OPP explain the regulations on mufflers. 

You can view their video on Youtube

Learn more at

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