Join me and bring your family for a guided walk - Sunday September 1st.
Join us for a nature walk and family-oriented activities in a slice of natural Muskoka in North Lake Joe for about 1.5-2 hours.
We’ll take a leisurely pace through the woods, stopping to identify plants, learn about some natural edibles, look for tracks and animal signs, and play some forest games. Our family will also be picnicking at the end, so feel free to bring your lunch and join us!
Please dress for the weather. Also recommended: sunscreen, water, bug repellant, and a hat.
We will depart from the Armishaw Lake recreation area at Rocky Crest: 147 Hamer Bay Road.
Please meet at the beach-volleyball court, between the dock and the tennis courts. You may park on the back parking lots near the courts or at the golf docks.
Please RSVP using the link on the left so we can contact you in case of a last-minute change in location or weather cancellation.
Guides are Sarah (forest geographer and educator) and her son Peter, age 7 (budding Muskoka naturalist).
Thank you to Rocky Crest!